Software Portfolio - Site Plan

Site Name

Selected Name: Jessen Forbush's Personal Portfolio

Reason: This name reflects the focus on showcasing software development projects and skills, highlighting the craftsmanship involved in coding.

Site Purpose

The site serves as a personal portfolio to display various software projects, providing details on project features, technologies used, and the development process. It will include downloadable resumes, a contact form, and links to relevant social media profiles.


Example Scenarios:

Color Schema

Primary Color: #3a506b (used for headings and links)

Accent Color: #314157 (used for buttons and highlights)

These colors will be used consistently to create a professional and cohesive look across the website.


Primary Font: Arial, sans-serif (used for body text)

Secondary Font: Helvetica, sans-serif (used for headings)


Mobile View

Mobile Wireframe

Desktop View

Desktop Wireframe